Why Sealcoat?
Sealcoat helps protect asphalt parking lots from the harmful effects of the weather, as well…
Many of our asphalt paving customers ask the same questions about the installation process and about sealcoating asphalt. So, we thought we’d compile a few of the frequently asked questions all in one place! If you have another question about asphalt or sealcoating, please feel free to contact us!
Occasional light sprinkles should not be a reason your asphalt paving contractor shuts down operations; however, during a steady downpour for safety reasons (think lightening) and installation reasons. First, it is important to pave on a firm, stable, well-draining crushed aggregate base – rain or no rain. If the rain starts to erode the base, paving should stop. Additionally, rain water will cool the asphalt mix and can make it difficult to properly compact the surface. Puddles of water can also cause the separation of the asphalt binder from the aggregate.
If you’ve just had your parking lot paved with new asphalt, and are concerned about protecting your investment, you’ll want to sealcoat the pavement. So, how long to you wait to do that? The general rule of thumb is to wait one year before sealing new asphalt. This allows the surface to rid itself of light oils, through oxidation. To make sure you’ve waiting the proper amount of time, spread some water on the surface. It the water spreads evenly without beading, and shows no “rainbows” from surface oils you are ready. This is also called “water break test”. The exact amount of time will vary slightly depending on geographical locations.
Much like paint, sealer applied in two coats dries and cures much better than one thick coat application. Remember sealers are water-based coatings, which cure through the evaporation of water. A thin coat will release water much faster than a thick coat. If applied in one thick coat, sealer will have a tendency to hold water and stay soft for a longer period of time.
If the sealer does not cure to its normal charcoal black dried color, it is possibly due to the sealer curing under shaded areas or the surface contained too much moisture. In these cases, the problem may be temporary and after a few days in full sun it will cure to its normal color. Temporary graying can also be eliminated through the use of specialty additive that helps sealer dry faster and at a uniform rate. Another reason sealer may dry to a gray color is because of higher clay and filler content in the sealer itself. If after a few days it does not darken, consult the manufacturer or your installer.
About ABC Paving and Sealcoating
With more than 20 years of experience, ABC Paving and Sealcoating is Florida’s leading paving contractor. ABC Paving and Sealcoating provides commercial organizations with the highest level of customer service, professional workmanship and services including: asphalt paving, asphalt repairs and prevention, pothole repairs, sealcoating, line striping and pavement marking, thermoplastic, crack filing, signs and safety devices, concrete sidewalks, concrete curbs, site preparation and signs and safety devices. We use our experience and the latest equipment available to get the job done right the first time in a timely, cost effective manner. For more information about ABC Paving and Sealcoating, visit our website at https://pavingandsealcoating.com or call 866-934-7623 for a free estimate.