Asphalt Replacement and Asphalt Repairs
Asphalt and paving contractors’ primary methods of protecting any asphalt pavement surfaces are sealcoating, asphalt repairs and crack sealing. The keys to quality sealcoating, asphalt pavement repair and crack sealing are preparation and using superior products in the application.
New Asphalt
When asphalt pavement is new, it has a deep, black color, appears oily and is tightly compact. Property managers looking to protect their investment from deterioration should consider sealcoating as soon as possible to keep their parking lot or driveway in good repair.
Sealcoating new asphalt pavement within one year after installation is critical to increase the longevity of the surface. It is the best and most cost efficient way to avoid expensive repairs due to pavement failures.
Sealcoating Stops Weather Damage – Asphalt sealcoating prevents the damaging effects of oxidation and water penetration.
Sealcoating Prevents Oxidation – The sun’s ultraviolet rays harden and dry out the asphalt pavement surface.
Sealcoating Beautifies Pavement – Asphalt sealcoating restores original black color to asphalt and greatly enhances the overall appearance of property.
Sealcoating Resists Gas, Oil, and Salt – Ashpalt sealcoating resists the highly damaging effects of gas and oil seepage and all other road chemicals including alkalis and winter salt.
Asphalt Crack Sealing
If left untreated, small asphalt cracks will expand as the water penetrates the sub-base of the material and it softens. This condition of advanced asphalt cracking is called alligator cracking or spider web cracking because the pavement will resemble either the hide of an alligator or a web of a spider.
Even at this stage of advanced cracking, sometimes the pavement can still be repaired in a fairly inexpensive manner — in some cases. An asphalt crack sealer can be used to hold the pavement surface together. However, unless the pavement is showing only small areas of linear cracking, the best long-term solution is asphalt replacement by cutting out the cracked section of pavement and patch the problem area with new asphalt.
Preventative Maintenance
When asphalt is new, it’s best to lock-in the asphalt binders with seal coat. Doing so will keep the asphalt flexible and able to handle temperature changes and resist cracking. Taking care of sealcoating early on is one of the best preventative maintenance tasks.
Another thing to remember to get the maximum lifespan from an asphalt pavement project is to address minor issues through an asphalt preventative maintenance plan before the damage has become more severe and more costly. The life of the asphalt surface all boils down to keeping water and petroleum products out and keeping the binder in.
About ABC Paving and Sealcoating
With more than 20 years of experience, ABC Paving and Sealcoating is Florida’s leading paving contractor. ABC Paving and Sealcoating provides commercial organizations with the highest level of customer service, professional workmanship and services including: asphalt paving, asphalt repairs and prevention, pothole repairs, sealcoating, line striping and marking, thermoplastic, crack filing, signs and safety devices, concrete sidewalks, concrete curbs and site preparation. We use our experience and the latest equipment available to get the job done right the first time in a timely, cost effective manner. For more information about ABC Paving and Sealcoating, visit our website at or call 866-934-7623 for a free estimate.