Avoid Pavement Replacement Through Pothole Repair
Potholes can be an annoyance to drivers, pedestrians and facilities managers alike. Not only are they an eyesore, they can cause pedestrians to trip, or soak their favorite shoe if not careful when walking. They can cause damage to vehicles that accidentally run through them. Plus, if left to grow, potholes can unravel and undermine a larger area, which can then result in complete pavement replacement.
Repairing Potholes Makes Good Cents
If your asphalt parking lot is starting to show signs of wear and tear through the appearance of potholes, it’s time to call a Florida asphalt contractor. Surface breaks in asphalt allow moisture to percolate below the surface, where it undermines the integrity of the pavement. The liquid asphalt that binds the materials together begins to lose its natural resistance to water, allowing it to penetrate beneath the surface. Once this occurs the pavement can quickly fall prey to a number of different types of deterioration including cracks and potholes. Asphalt repairs and prevention will increase the longevity of any asphalt surface thereby deferring the costs of total replacement by extending the life of your pavement surface.
Facts About Potholes
* Potholes are formed by water expanding and contracting in cycles, excessive heat, wear and tear – and time.
* The areas most prone to pothole development are where drainage is poor (particularly where roads dip), where vehicular traffic is greatest – especially heavy vehicle traffic – and where poor maintenance allows small fissures to deteriorate.
* Potholes are not limited to cities in the snow belt. Florida, with its warm and wet climate – and plenty of road traffic has the same issues with potholes that other colder states encounter.
* Vehicle repairs due to rough pavement for individual motorists typically involve tires, shock absorbers, suspension systems, struts, rims, wheel alignment and catalytic converters – all of which can add up!
* Of approximately 33,000 traffic fatalities each year, one-third involve poor road conditions.
* Personal injury lawsuits due to potholes are very expensive to public and private property owners.
How to Extend the Life of Asphalt
Before you experience a costly asphalt replacement, have an experienced, asphalt contractor walk the parking area and make an assessment. Keeping up with regular parking lot maintenance, sealcoating, and filling potholes can help avert costly damage and repairs.
Whether you are a facility manager for a hospital, shopping center, grocery store, apartment complex, school, big box store, arena or other venue, asphalt repairs should be part of your parking lot maintenance plan. It just takes minutes to have a professional paving contractor walk a parking area and make recommendations – those minutes can sometimes save you thousands.
About ABC Paving and Sealcoating
With more than 20 years of experience, ABC Paving and Sealcoating is Florida’s leading paving contractor. ABC Paving and Sealcoating provides commercial organizations with the highest level of customer service, professional workmanship and services including: asphalt paving, asphalt repairs and prevention, pothole repairs, sealcoating, line striping and pavement marking, thermoplastic, crack filing, signs and safety devices, concrete sidewalks, concrete curbs, site preparation and signs and safety devices. We use our experience and the latest equipment available to get the job done right the first time in a timely, cost effective manner. For more information about ABC Paving and Sealcoating, visit our website at https://pavingandsealcoating.com or call 866-934-7623 for a free estimate.